Globe Community Project supports connection and compassion in the heart of our local community.
Our mission is to transform loneliness into connection among isolated people and under-served groups in and around Tower Hamlets. Our vision for Tower Hamlets is a place where nobody is chronically lonely or isolated, and everyone feels like they belong.
Our projects help isolated people develop the key qualities, supports and relationships to combat loneliness and improve wellbeing.
As a small charity, we focus on those who most need our help and are disadvantaged by low income, disability, sensory impairment, poor physical or mental health, trauma, insecure migration status, marginalisation or a combination of these factors.
We currently work with recently-arrived refugee and migrant women who have suffered trauma and older people at risk of loneliness and isolation, as they often have the least access to support.
Give a one off gift or make a regular donation.
Your support goes directly into your local community, bringing you into closer connection with others and yourself.
This month, we are running a new men’s course for those over 60 who are members of Bow Geezers Club. We are enthusiastic about the potential impact of this course in connecting with the existing members and delivering our well-established over 60’s course.