26th April is Lesbian Visibility Day!

Two girls share a moment at Pride

Lesbian Visibility Day started in 2008 as a time to celebrate lesbians, a day of unity that highlights lesbians, especially those women from marginalized communities.

As members of The Tower Hamlets Women’s Network, GCP joins fellow members and account3 in wanting to live in a world where services are inclusive and accepting of difference. We call on all those who share our vision to stand up and support their LGBT friends, family, and the wider community. Celebrating Lesbian Visibility Day gives you the perfect opportunity to demonstrate your support!

So please join us in using all your digital platforms to make your support clear and to welcome lesbians who may not feel confident to bring their whole selves to your services, or social circles.

An estimated 2.7% of the UK population aged 16 years and over identified as lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB) in 2019, an increase from 2.2% in 2018. That means an estimated 1.4 million people aged 16 years and over. While there are no figures recording the lesbian population in Tower Hamlets, a proportionate estimate suggests at least 2,000 lesbians living in the borough. Given the discrimination still faced by lesbian, gay and bi people in the UK, the number is of course likely to be higher.

Statistics suggest a generational divide in how comfortable LGB people feel in coming out. With 6.6% of 16–24-year-olds identifying as LGB compared with only 1% of those over the age of 65, it is possible that older lesbians are more wary of coming out, while younger generations are experiencing greater freedom.

What helps people to come out and be their true selves is knowing that they will be supported and seeing greater visibility and acceptance of people like them. Support service information follows. But all of us are part of the chain of support.

Sarah, the Chair of East London Out Project - elop - said:

“We welcome that The Tower Hamlets Women’s Network and account3 are highlighting Lesbian Visibility Day.  Marking days to celebrate the LGBT community and showing  your support improves the wellbeing of the community.  Health statistics show that lesbians face many health inequalities including seeking support late due to the fear of judgement or worse.  Visibility and well informed staff and volunteers  who are confident in supporting lesbians make a difference and will help to end inequalities faced by so many. If you need support to be better informed about the needs of lesbians, then contact lgbtforum@elop.org to find out how the tower hamlets LGBT+ community forum can help”.

Please join us on your social platforms to tweet and post to demonstrate your solidarity and promote the day as one to celebrate widely.

Photo credit: Jana Sabeth on Unsplash